From left to right: Penn State President Rodney Erickson, Dalian University of Technology President Jinping Ou, and Chunshan Song, co-director of JCER.
On March 21-23, Penn State and Dalian University of Technology held the third workshop for the Joint Center for Energy Research (JCER). The workshop was held in Dalian, China and was attended by over eighty faculty, students, and administrators from both universities.
The workshop consisted of presentations of current research endeavors by various faculty members as well as discussions around further collaborations. The group also toured Dalian University of Technology research laboratories.
Participants from Penn State included President Rodney Erickson; Vice Provost Dr. Michael Adewumi; Dr. Tom Richard, director, Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment; Dr. Chunshan Song, co-director, JCER and director, EMS Energy Institute; Dr. Yaw Yeboah, department head, Energy and Mineral Engineering; Dr. Bruce Logan, director, Engineering Energy and Environmental Institute; Dr. Michael Janik, associate professor, Chemical Engineering; Dr. Sarma Pisupati, associate professor, Energy and Mineral Engineering; Dr. Yongsheng Chen, assistant professor, Energy and Mineral Engineering; Dr. Zhen Lei, assistant professor, Energy and Mineral Engineering; and Dr. Jonathan Mathews, assistant professor, Energy and Mineral Engineering.
Attendees at the JCER workshop.