Boehman, André - Research in ermal Oxidative Stability of Jet Fuel; Industry
- Characterization of Fuel Samples; Industry
- Fuel Ignition Study in Motored Engine Experiment; University
Burgess-Clifford, Caroline - Coker Runs, Industry
- Coker Runs: Catalyst Runs III; Industry
Derek Elsworth - Study on Sedimentary Basins in the U.S.; Industry
- Acquisition of a High-Temperature Load and Flow- Through System for Research and Teaching; National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Modeling CO2 Sequestration in CBM Reservoirs; Industry
- Mechanical and Transport Characteristics of Coal-Biomass Mixtures; Industry/U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- Capturing Reservoir Stimulation, Evolution and Induced Seismicity; DOE
Eser, Semih - Analysis of Tubes by Microscopy; Industry
- Characterization of Optical Texture and Oxidation Reactivity of Coke Samples, Fouling and Carbonization Tests on Resid Samples Using Microcokers; Industry
- Coking of Decant Oil in a PSU Pilot-Scale Delayed Coker and Analysis of Coke Samples to Compare with Results from a Commercial Unit; Industry
Fonseca, Dania - Analysis of Phenolic Resin Binder Samples; Industry
Li, Li - Modeling Processes Relevant to Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lueking, Angela - Hydrogen Caged in Carbon-Exploration of Novel Carbon-Hydrogen Interactions; DOE
Lvov, Serguei - Evaluation of Alternate ermochemcial Cycles; Argonne National Laboratory
- Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steels in Supercritical CO2 containing impurities; Industry/ DOE
Marone, Chris - Laboratory Study of Fault Healing and Frictional Properties; Role of Fluids; NSF
| Ma, Xiaoliang - Development of a Conceptional Process for Converting Light Olefins to JP-8; Industry
Mathews, Jonathan - Modeling of Illinois Coal; University
Miller, Bruce G. - Thermogravimetric Analysis Testing; University
- Evaluation of Biomass Feedstocks rough Stoker Combustion Tests; Industry
- Combustion and Emission Performance when Firing Coal/Biomass Blends; Industry
Morrison, Joel - West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund, Inc.
Pisupati, Sarma - Effect of Catalysts on Coal Combustion and Emission Performance; Industry
- Oxy Coal Combustion: Impact on Mineral Transformation, Ash Depositional Behavior and Heat Transfer; Industry/DOE
Ryan, Tim - CT Scans of Coal and Sandstone Samples; Industry
- CT Scans of Carbonate Rock Samples; Industry
- CT Scans of a Cylindrical Battery Cell; Industry
Saffer, Demian - Mechanics and Seismogenic Potential of Low Angle Normal Faults; NSF
Song, Chunshan - CO2 Capture with NO2/SO2 Removal from Flue Gas Using Solid Molecular Basket Sorbents; DOE
- Naval Aviation Logistic Fuel Desulfurizer, Reformer, and Power System Phase II; Industry
- Person-Portable Oxidative Desulfurization System; Industry
- Improving Ni Catalyst for Steam Reforming; Industry
Vander Wal, Randy - Soot Formation, Burnout & Evolving Soot Structure; Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- An Ultrasensitive, Size Resolved Mass Measurement Device; Industry
- Glow Discharge Analyzer for Spacecraft Monitoring; Industry